Leflore County Installs ProntoREC

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The process of recording Land Records utilizing their previous green screen text based Land Records Management System was taking Leflore County way too much time. Too many steps, too many screens, and antiquated, complicated search and retrieval methods persuaded Leflore to seek relief. They decided to convert to a faster, easier, modern LRMS – Land Records Management System, Data Systems Management’s ProntoREC.

ProntoREC programming utilizes the new Graphical Web Based Browser Environment. (Our customers call the new interface – Blue Screen Graphical). The new BSG Graphical interface does not require specific PC software or a Client/Server environment. Simply open your browser and access the application from any PC. Since multiple task can be accomplished with only a single screen, records can be processed quickly. Optical Character Recognition technology is utilized to capture ALL THE DATA on the actual documents. This process provides the capability to Copy/Paste index information directly from the document or to SEARCH for specific information within the actual document.

View a Brief Video of Full Text Search Inquiry

walk in the park
Walk in the Park


Migrating from an older Legacy system to Data Systems Management’s new ProntoREC is a Walk in the Park. DSM transfers your existing data and images seamlessly into ProntoREC. We provide a few days of on-site training, establish a GO LIVE date, and your new Document Recording day begins with the Cool Blue Breeze of Blazingly Fast Blue Screen Graphical ProntoREC.

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